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Welcome to Astonish
Parallax Backgrounds, Onscroll Animations, 800+ Icons, Retina Ready,
4 Slider Options, Premium Plugins, One Page and Multi Page Layouts
and so much more.

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About Us

Astonish is a multi-purpose theme that can be used for a wide variety of uses. It has clean lines and a unique design that is sure to catch every visitors eye!

Fully Customizable

Built on the Bootstrap 3 framework. Fully commented and clean code. Valid HTML5 and CSS3.

Customer Support

We support our products 100%. If you need help, give us a shout. We want you to be 100% happy with your purchase.

Retina Ready

Astonish is primarily build using font icons and CSS3 techniques which means the site is 100% retina ready.

Over 800+ Icons

Astonish takes advantage of two excellent font icon resources. FontAwesome provides over 350+ icons and Icomoon provides over 450+ icons.

Unlimited Color Options

For a quick demonstration try out the color option menu. Astonish comes with 10 pre-made color styles but you can make it look however you want.

Easily Build Your Site

Astonish is built in sections so you can easily add and remove sections to quickly build your site the way you want.


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Our Features

Astonish has so many incredible features that will make your site stand out above all the rest. Check them out now below.

100% Responsive

Astonish is 100% responsive which means it looks incredible on every screensize and device.

New Animation Engine

We've built a custom jQuery script so you can easily add animations to your site.

Multiple Sliders

We've included a parallax slider, revolution slider, owl slider and bootstrap 3 carousel.

One Page and Multi Page

Astonish comes in a one page scrolling layout or a traditional multiple page layout.

View all of our Astonishing features on the shortcodes page

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View the incredible mountains of Switzerland

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

The vibrantly colorful frogs of Costa Rica

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

Travel on an exciting adventure to China

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023

If you have to drive, cruise in style

Praesent augue arcu, ornare ut tincidunt eu, mattis a libero. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas...

by CreativelyCoded | 23 May 2023
微信营销公司广州解放军信大信息安全大型免费网站制作顺德网站建设日本信息安全研究生北京专业网站建设个人网络安全年度报告网络营销灰色项目真假中国信息网络安全计划信息安全调研报告信息安全 知识课堂我叫鲁笠一个大学新生,通过自己吭哧瘪肚的努力加上家里的钞能力终于考上了大学,不过是个二流大学,专业的传媒。 今天是新生报到的第一天,而我的寝室是男生宿舍4号楼四单元404室!一个据传很邪门的寝室。 而我们的故事也从这里开始。 在一个修科和修炼的世界里,有许多修炼科目与修炼武功的人,朱后然诞生在这个世界上童多宝,具有七窍玲珑心,却从小命运多舛,后得异人指点,修得无上神功,从此游戏人间,本书是一部都市职场言情小说,主人翁平平无奇,但却一跃成为医美机构的CEO。在鸱张鱼烂的皮囊下,医美、媒体、帮会的内幕,情欲的渴望,感情的纠葛、人性的弱点,都是社会最真实的写照。天有六冠:九天、海龙、风灵、樱雪、生命、炽焰!【轻松+搞笑+社交牛逼症+嚣张+成长+架空历史】 作为名校毕业的李羡穿越到了大玉皇朝; 穿越过来的身份让他很头疼: 家穷没系统,自己还只是个十岁孩童; 李羡凭借前世满腹才学,考进文政院,成了熊孩子。 教书先生:“这熊孩子好气人啊,好想打他!” 院长:“算了吧,人家可是正经孩子,要不你忍着点?” 从童生到参加科举,再到做官,谁都没想到,李羡这官越做越大…… “羡公!陛下有请!” “跟陛下说一声,我在钓鱼,让他来找我吧!” 天子:“谁这么大胆子,还想让朕过去?” 老太监:“启禀陛下,是羡公。” 天子:“来人啊!速速备车!” 老太监:“陛下……鞋~”夏归凡一觉醒来发现自己成为了一宗之主,解决了宗门危机之后,修为倒退,这时脑海中出现了一部法决《噬典圣诀》,能够吞噬记录法决、武技等的载体(书籍、竹简等),并对该法决或武技的熟练度即刻达到百分百圆满之境,那么这世间,万般武技和秘法没有什么是我夏归凡无法立即熟练的。 令夏归凡头疼的是,他这宗主收了七名女徒弟,个个人间绝色,但个个都不是省油的灯...... 本小说又名《穿越成为宗主》、《我名下都是女徒弟》、《女徒弟带着我无敌》、《我带着女徒弟无双》。阿宅的简单生活,复杂思考。叶林胜是一个大专毕业的毕业生,一个人在外拼搏打拼。有一天睡觉起来突然发现自己有了异于常人的能力,于此同时由世界五大常任理事国联合研发的世界级游戏《传奇》问世。阴差眼错下,叶林胜进入游戏,在《传奇》世界里创造出属于自己的传奇。进入这家书店时,摆在面前的只有两条路:是选择甘于现状,过着后悔不已的生活;还是选择把自己的故事讲出,换取截然不同的结局。你将如何抉择?
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